1 Modeling
1.1 Features of 3d modeling:
- Primitive geometry modeling for point, line, polyline, spline, arc, circle, sphere, box, cylinder, cone, surface from points etc…
- Compound geometry: wire, shell, solid, compound.
- Modeling methods for evolve, extrude, sweep, loft, revolve, chamfer, fillet, projection, section, filling, rotate, move, scale, etc…
- Boolean operation for union, cut, common.
- Compute intersection point between line and curve, line and surface.
- Shape repair: remove extra edges, glue feace/edges, remove internal faces, suppress holes, etc.
1.2 Geometry information extraction
Explore sub shapes
Curve information
- Get curve parameters
- Get normal, point on curve
- Get the length of curve
- Split curve to line segments
Surface Information
- Get surface parameters
- Get derivative, normal, point
- Get the area of the surface
Solid Information
- Get the volume
- Get the center of mass
2 Visualization
AnyCAD Graphics Component contains the visualization control for WinForm/WPF/MFC/Qt..., which can help you to add the 3D control to your Form easily.
Default Camera operation
Zoom in/out, fit window, rotation, pan.
Selection management
- Pick by mouse.
- Add object to selection
- Clear selection set.
- Query selected node and geometry, including sub Face/Edge/Vertex.
- Set selection filter for node, group, face, edge, vertex…
Scene node management
- Add, delete, find by id.
- Create node group.
Render Style
Customize the face, edge, vertex styles, including color, line width, point size, and face materials, textures.
Display mode
Wireframe, shading, shading with edge…
Gradient background color settings
Text 2D/3D
Export current view to images, such as jpg/png.
Data exchange
The standard AnyCAD .Net Graphics Component supports the following STEP,IGES,STL,DXF formats.
Support import and export. You can get the “tree” structure of STEP file with shape names.
Support import and export.
Support import and export. You can control the triangulation precision when exporting.
DXF (beta)
Support import DXF.
Memory stream
- Save TopoShape to memory stream
- Read TopoShape from memory stream.