AnyCAD C++ API  2018
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class  AnyCAD::API::ModelReader
 The 3d file reader. The models are only used for visualization purpose. -since R2015UR1. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::TopoDataExchangeIges
 IGES file writer and reader. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::TopoDataExchangeStep
 STEP file writer and reader. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::TopoDataExchangeStl
 STL file writer and reader. -since R2014UR1. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::TopoShapeReader
 The TopoShape Reader. -since R2014UR1. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::TopoShapeReaderContext
 The reader context to collect TopoShape. -since R2014UR1. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::TopoShapeReaderManager
 The TopoShape Reader. -since R2014UR1. 更多...
