AnyCAD C++ API  2018
 全部  命名空间 文件 函数 变量 类型定义 枚举 枚举值 友元 宏定义 

class  AnyCAD::API::AnnotationDriver
 The driver to create annotation. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::AnnotationDriverContext
 The context to create annotation. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::AnnotationDriverManager
 The ShapeDriver manager. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::AnnotationElement
 The element that can hold geometry. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::AssetType
 The element that store external file. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ComponentManager
 The helper class to load component. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::CompoundElement
 The compound element which could attach other elements. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::Document
 文档类。 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::DocumentChangeArgs
 The document change arguments. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::DocumentEditMode
 The document edit mode. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::DocumentMetadata
 The document metadata. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::DocViewManager
 文档视图管理器 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::EditMode
 The edit mode. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::Element
 The base class for the data that need to be stored in document. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ElementIterator
 To iterate the scene node in the scene. Usage: ElementIterator itr = ...; while(itr.More()) { SceneNode node = itr.Next(); .... }. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ElementSchema
 The Schema description for element. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ElementSchemaManager
 The ElementSchema manager. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ElementTable
 The element table. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::Entity
 Hold the TopoShape and it's rendering style. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::EntityGroup
 The entity groups. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::EntityType
 The element that can store Entity. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::GroupElement
 The element that can store a group of the Element. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::GroupType
 The element that can store a group of the InstanceElement. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::LayerElement
 The element that can store a group of the Element. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ObjectUI
 Object UI description. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ObjectUIManager
 Object UI Manager. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::OptionList
 the option ui. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::OptionListIterator
 the iterator for OptionList. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::OptionListManager
 the global option ui manager. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::OptionListSet
 the option ui set. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterBoolean
 bool value 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterColor
 Color value. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterCreator
 ParameterValue creator. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterDouble
 double value 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterElementId
 ElementId value. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterInteger
 int value 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterPackage
 A group of parameter UIs. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterString
 String value. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterUI
 The UI description for parameters. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterUISet
 A group of parameter UIs. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterValue
 The base class for parameter values. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterValueCast
 Dynamic cast object for ParameterValue. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterValueSet
 Group of ParameterValue with unique id. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ParameterVector3
 Vector3 Parameter Value. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::PropertiesElement
 Support user defined parameters and script. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::PropertyDriver
 The driver to update property. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::PropertyDriverManager
 The ShapeDriver manager. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::PropertySchema
 The Schema description for parameters. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::PropertySchemaManager
 The ElementSchema manager. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ReactorContext
 The utility to get user input data. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ReferencePlane
 The reference plane. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::RenderableElement
 The element that can hold geometry. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::RenderableInstance
 The base class for the TypeElement instance. The default direction is UNIT_Y; the rotation use Eular representation: Yaw -> z Pitch -> x and Roll-> y. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::RenderableType
 The base class for the Type. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ScriptElement
 The script element. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ShapeDriver
 The driver to create shape. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ShapeDriverContext
 The context to create shape. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::ShapeDriverManager
 The ShapeDriver manager. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::SketchEditMode
 The sketch edit mode. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::SnapPoint
 The snap point. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::SnapTarget
 The snap target. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::SnapTargetCollector
 The utiliy to collect SnapTarget. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::StyleElement
 The material element. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::TransformAnimator
 The transform animator. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::TypeCast
 Dynamic cast object. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::UndoTransaction
 Undo/redo transaction. 更多...
class  AnyCAD::API::UserElement
 The user defined element. 更多...
