Rendering styles
Face/Edge/Vertex filters
Scene management
Object states custumizing
Geometry Modeling
Geometry Modeling
Boolean: Cut/Fuse/Common
Exchange: STEP/IGS/STL...
Data Management
Data Management
History Undo/Redo
File formate: Save/Open
Object Seraching
Objects dependency updates
Command system
Usage Scenario - Robot Simulation System
Usage Scenario - Robot Simulation System
We provide easy to use solution that you can integrate AnyCAD Graphics Component to your existing Robot softeare or to create the program from ground. You can import your Robot parts to the scene and control the transform matrix of each part and generate the annimation and simulate the movement of the robot.
Usage Scenario - CAD and CAM Applications
Usage Scenario - CAD and CAM Applications
AnyCAD is desinged to be friendly for CAM applications. You can use the APIs to extract the paths curves and get the information of the curves which can be used for machining. Combing the modeling functionalies of the SDK, you can build parametric parts and tools in your apps. This showcase used AnyCAD C++ SDK.
Usage Scenario - CAD and CAE Applications
Usage Scenario - CAD and CAE Applications
AnyCAD provides rich APIs to create geometry, and you can integrate meshing tools to generate FEA models for the geometry, then you can analysis the FEA models and visualize the results. You can create one box experience for your users by AnyCAD graphics technology.
Usage Scenario - Parametric Desgining Applications
Usage Scenario - Parametric Desgining Applications
Parametric members are used widely in many fields. Users can create and change models easily by parametric method, as users don't need learn the complex interaction of the CAD softwares and just change the property values and can view the shapes. You can build parametric applications with AnyCAD.